This is a text adaptation of the classic Sierra adventure game King's Quest II: Romancing the Throne. Playing as King Graham, journey through the land of Kolyma in search of the fair maiden Valanice.
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Hi Crispin, this is Steve Lingle. I came out of hiding and was flattered that you mentioned me in the game intro. I'm glad my King's Quest V text game inspired you to create this. I played your King's Quest 2 for a bit and will continue again when I have more time. I enjoyed the layout and descriptions. I played until Hagatha did me in. hahaha... will definitely play again. 5 stars.
I thought this was an excellent take on the original King's Quest II game by Roberta Williams. The items work beautifully, I was impressed to see most of the characters, and the few alterations are worked in nicely. It was so fun to explore the world of Kolyma again! Please do King's Quest I next!
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Written by Crispin
Plays 4243
Downloads 2605 Download file
Written for Quest 5.5
Published 30 Dec 2013
Updated 27 May 2014
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