Partitioned Lives: Lahore to Amritsar by themyrrhman

The Partition of India in 1947 led to the largest and gravest forced migration in the history of mankind. For too long the narratives surrounding these events have largely been devoted to casting a blame to either Nehru or Jinnah, and little has been done to historicise the lived experiences of the millions of refugees fleeing their homes themselves. In the sub-continent, the Punjab was one of the most severely impacted by the partition. For much of its history the Punjab had been a paragon of communal harmony, but in the events leading to the partition it became the largest hotbed for communal violence.

Partitioned Lives: Lahore to Amritsar is work of interactive historical fiction which seeks to place its user in the experience of partition itself, to appreciate what people actually had to go through in this perilous time. That is not to say that the accounts described in this work are comparable to the experience itself, the situation was of course far more severe with scenes of violence too graphic to even begin to describe. Of course the violence was not one-sided, it was anything but. Each religion truly showed its evil in the year of 1947.

All the accounts in the story are based on first-hand accounts, historical source material, and found footage from documentaries I have seen surrounding the Partition. Given more time I would have liked to have given this project even more historical veracity, but this is my best effort for now.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 03 Apr 2016
Updated 11 May 2016





