Giantess World by Serenity42

You are a peasant in a land of monsters. You must build your giantess by finding and feeding your goddess with strength, giantess, and weight orbs. You must also build farms and keep her fed.

If she gets too hungry, she'll start eating your villagers!

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Review by golden ray
30 Jan 2019
I see this game having slight potential but it doesnt show any idea on how to leave the room or any hints. don't get me wrong I'm bad at this too so I completely understand but I just don't see any way to move at all, that is not always the creator's fault though, I believe in you so I will give this all the stars in my heart, keep trying and you'll succeed! 5 stars but please try to give clarification, I
will always support!

Review by Frisk12345
14 Nov 2017
I am sorry to say this but this is disappointing. I get that this is a wip, but even my Undertale wip has more than what is in this. I don't usually give out one star ratings on purpose, but this is downright sad. If you have no idea what you are doing, I get it. I had trouble at first but then I got the hang of it. Otherwise, I agree with anyone who rates this as a one star until you step up your game. I do see this having a little bit of potential tho, but if you don't fix this, then there might not be any potential at all.

Review by Hormus
24 Aug 2017 quite disappointing. I'm stuck in a pink room, with nothing do and nowhere to go. I'm quite disappointed.

Review by kjtheboss
04 Jul 2017
I'm sorry but I have to rate this one star as I'm completely dumb founded what to do there's no hints commands or anything we go in blind and nothing happen I'm disappointed to me you should atleast type in your description what to do or if it's not finished and in a state like this don't release it yet

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 22 Jun 2017





