In order to celebrate the AMAZING milestone of reaching 100 stories, I decided to turn The 100th story into a CYOA gamebook!
This Supernatural fanfic has 3 plot lines to choose from:
- Cas struggles with confessing his love to Dean
- Request 25 (The reader goes out drinking and comes back to snuggle with Cas)
- A drunk night with Dean
Each plot has multiple endings, so make your choices wisely!
Contains swearing.
Like my writing style and want to see more? Check out my Patreon: I post NEW short stories EVERY 2 weeks on Fridays. (And now have 100 stories waiting to be read!)
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Written by Ater Imber
Plays 952
Downloads 832 Download file
Written for Quest 5.8
Published 24 Sep 2021
Updated 27 Nov 2021