N7 by awsomethingy

Hey guys! In Chapter 2 you can join the crew of people preparing on the mission for completely different chapter!

Update: Battle at the Leeway
Progress- 50%
Summary of Update: A Cerberus transport ship called the "Leeway" is transporting a Black Box. This digital box has information imprinted onto it of an imminent Cerberus attack. Raid the ship with a section of the Alliance Fleet that recently retreated from the Reaper invasion on Earth, and retrieve the black box. However, the information on it may be too costly, and you may find yourself betraying your team to ensure what is uncovered stays uncovered. This update also includes the next sleep mission. This will have more custom paths than Escape the Flagship 2 has endings.

Update Update (11/23/2017): Due to my own work and ambitions, the last year of my life has been consumed by a feature film I've been directing. In all honesty I'm not sure I will ever be able to make that next chapter just because of how ridiculously complex I chose to make it. It was essentially 16 full chapters just based on different paths, with the story changing between if you want to be a pilot, and which of the three crew members you chose, a frigate pilot, either disobeying orders or following suit, boarding crew with two separate paths and crews, and a solo run. Adding up to over a dozen chapters with no overlap. Unfortunately while I great idea on paper, I only got through making half of them before I had to give up the work to continue different projects. I really do hope I finish it, but I don't think it will be likely. I'm sorry.

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Review by Lord Uric
06 Jun 2019
Good one. Well done.

Review by karinchan999
29 May 2018
Great game!

Review by Zymandis
12 Oct 2016
I really enjoyed this game !
Is there any chance for the update this year?

Review by StuffMcScruff
26 Jun 2016
Yea there could have be some improvements but I enjoyed it, laughed and nearly died with the random occurrences.

Review by Icamenal
02 Apr 2016
The writing could have been better, but this game picked up speed nicely.

Review by Leinad Why
15 Oct 2015
"Sticks and stones may.." what? cumon man who says that? the dialogue really needs to be tweaked a huge bit. I guess it will get more mature as you grow older but i can tell you put effort into this... my advice is to read more books (I know crazy right?) or talk to and older group of people. If you do lots of this your writing will seem more natural. I know this belongs in the comment section but unlike other critics I like to give constructive critism so you can improve. This has great potential idk if you copied or wat but keep at it.
nice hair tho. (refering to the Trudeau bashing ads in Canada and the fact that this does have a nice cover.)

Review by Soup3rMan
28 Sep 2015
I can see you've put plenty of work into this, however it breaks the immersion when you add crude childish humor.

Review by MisterPibb316
04 May 2015
A still-in-the-works, CYOA-style fanfic of a popular video game series. Hm.

Review by -XYAB-
13 Mar 2015
The game has you remember your past choices way too often, but it captures the feeling of ME quite well. Though some dialogue and encounters feel rushed or silly.

Review by pcwriter
19 Feb 2015
Keep updating, great game!

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 21 Jul 2014
Updated 24 Nov 2017





