The Birthday Assignment DEMO by skypioneer

This is the first chapter of my action-oriented text adventure, which I call "The Birthday Assignment" for reasons relevant to the plot.
It's a steampunk set in a typical western movie - or so I'd like to think. Read it yourself, see how it works for you.

This is my first TA game, so I don't expect it to stand up against some of the greater TA's here. But I want some feedback on how I did.

Peace out.

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Review by Happy Grace
02 May 2012
It's alright. Couldn't find Kevin anywhere though? Bit short, but then it is a demo... I can't really make a desicion until I have a go at the full version.

Review by MegaZeroX
18 Aug 2011
Amazing! I love how the game is as detailed as a quality novel. I look foward to the full release. However, I do not believe it belongs in the historical section. The fantasy section is more proper (airships were never big because after WWII jets replaced them).

Review by Ally
10 Jul 2011
I like how you made it, and the theme of it, but sometimes it confused me. Sometimes, I wondered where'd I end up if I went north, or east, or west, or... You get what I mean. Something that could really improve the game (for me, that is) is to explain where each direction goes, preferably right under the room description. But it's a great game, better than anything I've written and better than some (or even most) of the games around here. Good job.

Review by Stephen Brown
02 Jun 2011
Very well put together in my opinion. Considering this is a demo version I think you may of out done yourself! I liked the menus when talking to characters, it comes in very useful. Speaking of, I liked how you made it so they don't display right off. In my game a menu pops up the moment you click/type "speak to". The only thing is I didn't know you set it up like that at first, because nothing popped up. I figured it out though. This issue is resolved in "The Armaments Store" however, in there, when you speak to the gunsmith at the end it says:
"Push a key to display the shop menu".

Only recommendation is that you might want to add that in the other areas, so that people know to push a key to make the menu appear and then can select their choice.

Again though, very well done especially considering this was a demo.


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Published 02 Jun 2011

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