Treasure Venture by RobotBand

Treasure Venture: Quest for the Golden Chalice is an illustrated text adventure in which you, Mark the adventurer, embarks on a quest to find a hidden golden chalice for his king. Mark's quest is simple, he must find three colored gems hidden in the desert world of Keeto, and only then will chalice will appear. However, he must also avoid the dangers of the world, such as Fruit Eels, Lizarfolk Hunters, vultures, and Green Suns. The journey is not an easy one, but you are up for the challenge. Find the chalice for King Henry and save your own life.

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Review by Savio
16 Aug 2020
I managed to get the chalice (and finish the game) without even coming across any of the gems I was told were in my pocket at the end. Is this game finished? Or a bit buggy?

It had some potential, but it didn't feel as polished as the excellent Space Scums.

08 Jul 2020
This a charming pixel art game, but I don't really know how to get past the wall. Anyway this is good. 3/5 ok

Review by broadwaydude
23 Jun 2020
Beautiful pixel art. This is a very polished well-rounded game. Very fun to play.

Review by PietroXI
28 May 2020
Great game! I love the pictures in particular. Well done.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 12 Jul 2020





