House by Jim Jones

This is a very stupid game i made when i was 11 with a primitive method...

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Review by Anonymous
11 Oct 2003
I give it 2 stars for two reasons. 1 what is your quest? 2 you can get trapped in the place with the shovel and switch.

Review by cyber_slut
28 Jul 2003
i think this game is fantastic for a 11 year old!!! my little brother is 11 and he wouldnt be able to do that if his scrotum sack depended on it!!!!!!!!!!i am 13 and i have made a few short ones where u walk around and fight people and u like zelda and banjo kazooey but in smaller versions ( only have about 20 levels ) but u know...wen i was 11 i couldnt do any thing of the sort!!! i started doing computer programming wen i was about 12 ... almost thirteen and i love seems so simple...i do all my games on a programme called games factory if u like to make games you should down load it..anywayz 4 all u ass holes that said this game is crap, YOU CAN GO SHOVE YOUR DICK IN A VACUUM CLEANER..thank you for listening to what i have to say bye bye
lotsa love and kisses
Tamara xoxoxox

Review by Anonymous
08 Mar 2003
wtf, this game is crap

Review by Jazz1
13 Dec 2002
at least he tryed... man i dont see any of your games here.... oh sure you probly 'working on the,' ptthhh


Review by B.J. Best
12 Dec 2002
This game would be a two-star except that there is absolutely no point to it. There is nothing for you to do to win the game. By looking at it with QDK, you are supposed to kill someone in your house and then bury the body (how you're supposed to figure that out, I don't know), but unfortunately the room where the victim is located is locked and the script to open the door to that room is empty.

All of this notwithstanding, it's never made clear what you're supposed to be doing in the first place. You're just wandering around a house and its grounds. Most of the items and locations in the game serve no point.

The other major problem with this game is that at times you have to guess (or look at the ASL) to determine what the game wants you to type. You must TURN SWITCH UP to get out of the garage, for example, and you can only use that command.

So no plot plus arcane commands in places equals 1 star (appalling).

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