Digimon by Brandon Stevens

My first try. sorry if it is confusing.

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Review by David Welbourn
06 Jun 2007
A small, thinly-described game. Although there's only five locations or so, the connections between them aren't straightforward, and yes, that is confusing. But that should be trivial to fix.

More troubling is the lack of narrative. I'm sure the author knows what a digimon is and what a digimon does and so on, but I played this game to completion (it's a VERY short game) and still don't know what a digimon is. The author couldn't be bothered to fill in the details or describe things effectively. The result is an extremely generic experience.

You go from here to there. [Uh-huh.]
You kill the bad guy. [How? Who?]
You win. [So what?]

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Added 01 Jun 2007

