The UHURU Initiative by ultimatvygr

The Black Queen and her nemesis, the Black Buffoon, are creating a new Pan-African society. Which side will you choose? Take the initiative! As a newly freed citizen of New Africa, you are empowered by the United States government's promise of reparations. Players will develop their connection to the Motherland and discover a solution to the problem of being the poorest continent that remains the richest in natural resources by introducing concepts that compliment its ancient heritage and give it a competitive advantage. Players start the game after they read the Emanicipation Proclamation and Special Field Order No. 15.

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Review by sofiavms159
14 Jun 2016
I have never play something like this before. I played the online text version. It was very entertaining and the scenarios and characters were very well developed. I loved the storyline because nowadays we need people talking and making agreements on racial issues, we need to solve them and end all discrimination. I hope to see more development in the story and maybe more characters to know about!

I recommend it to all! This is a story you don't wanna miss!

07 Jan 2015
I played the online text version. I like both the concept and the execution of the storyline. Please do, however, add more choices to the scenarios. And please do add some negative consequences to the choices made by the player. This will increase the both the complexity and the interest in the game!

I look forward to seeing greater and greater progressions of the story in the future. Black people *need* more investment in speculative adventures like this because, eventually, imagination will become reality!

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 15 Aug 2014
Updated 15 Aug 2015





