Hidden Horror by Soccer17!!!!!!!

You are ending your trip in the Cayman Islands with a cave tour. You have had an excellent time, but as the tour comes to an end you find yourself in the middle of a horrific murder with no way out. You are forced to make decisions that could change your life forever, and you have to identify the killer before it's to late...

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Review by Ringohan
14 Mar 2024
This game had a strong story and was incredibly descriptive and interesting. It was a little bit challenging to follow because of the long paragraphs and it maybe could’ve been split up a bit more to make it easier to read and follow the story but aside from that (which is a small thing), the game is still really good and fun to read.

Review by andikaisalpha
12 Mar 2024
"Hidden Horror" is a game set in a cave that you have found yourself and your tour group trapped in. The player will have to find a way to escape the cave and figure out the mystery of a murderer. Filled with choices that will determine survival.

Gameplay is quick and filled with last minute choices that will decide how much you care for the group. During mob experience I realized there were small details I needed to take note of. I love how you used describing words and included the dialogue for the other characters.

Overall the game is well made and is an enjoyable experience if you want to play a quick session. Though I will suggest that you can edit it to make the options a bit longer and more descriptive for more interaction with the player. Also trying to make your word choices less repetitive is something else I will suggest! :)


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Published 29 Aug 2024





