RUN. by you don't wanna know...

just play it for yourself. I hope it's good. That's all. stop reading. still reading? fine. Adam or Alan Lansley moves to a new house that turns out to be haunted

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Review by Ater Imber
21 Oct 2020
This was a very short game, maybe 5 minutes, and it appeared as if it was written in as much time.

I wouldn't call this a horror game at all.

It reads like something a child would write for elementary school for Halloween. No description, or world-building details - nothing immersive about the writing at all. It actually kind of reads like a Tumblr text-post more than a good game/story.

And that's not even mentioning the bold, italic-ed and underlined parts of the story, that would've been distracting had their been an engaging plot to follow. The plot of the haunted house has been done to death (no pun intended), but I still find some of those types of games/stories fun/creepy. This... wasn't that. There was absolutely nothing engaging at all, and there was no reason to root for the character. I actually found the character annoying, and while I wouldn't say I was rooting for the 'demens' to get him, I WAS happy it was over so quickly.

I DID like the idea of reading the victims' journal, sort of like a 'found footage' movie - which can be good, and scary, because you can only read the updates from the victims' perspective. If done correctly, it can add a great layer of apprehension. However, it was pretty apparent this person is not a good story teller (sorry), and I'd recommend they invest some time developing their story telling skills (and proper formatting skills), so they can do better next time.

If you're looking for a truly gripping, scary game, this is not the right one for you.

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