In the Mirror of the Sun by ApogeanTide

Amnesia on a remote volcanic island. Solve puzzles to make your escape from this science fiction world.

Version 3.0
A revision of the game "Burn Rate Catalyst." The structure of the game is the same, but the puzzles have been improved.

The game has room images for atmosphere but does not require images to play or solve puzzles.

This is the first text adventure by ApogeanTide. It was made in one month. Comments are greatly appreciated and incorporated. ApogeanTide is a graphic designer in Oceania.

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Review by catherine123
29 Dec 2017
Good game except for some glitches. For example, when I try to take the fuselage it says: Error running script: No parameters passed to AddToInventory function - expected 1 parameters

Review by Marzipan
28 Dec 2017
Haven't yet completed this, but I played as far as discovering the twist and winding up back on the island a second time. Was at a bit of a loss as to what to do after that although I assume I should assemble the craft again and see if I'm given any different options with my new info.

The writing is very good and the pace of discovering info vs exploring the island worked well. Although I kept wishing more things in the surroundings could be examined, but for whatever reason a lack of scenery objects is common with Quest games. Mildly frustrated too that I would find interesting things like a chemistry kit full of objects I couldn't examine or interact with at all. Another minor annoyance I have with a lot of Quest games is present here as well; you're basically forced to click items and using the drop down list of available actions as the actual commands tied to them often aren't intuitive at all. 'harvest root plant' or 'assemble craft mobile launcher' and so on...

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 26 Dec 2017
Updated 03 Jan 2018





