|MAZE| by CrazyCodes

Falling... blackness... pain... confusion... panic...

You open your eyes to the dim flickering light of torches along the towering black walls surrounding you. Ash floats freely through the air, making easy breathing impossible. The smell of sulfur and brimstone is strong in the oppressive air. You sit up slowly, shaking the dizziness from your pounding head. What is this forsaken place? You stand up, glancing at your surroundings. Ominous, black, stone walls lead in every direction, but with no clear direction or purpose. Some kind of maze? You stagger slowly to one of the walls, the ashen gravel crunching underneath your thick boots. You reach out your shaky hand towards the blackened wall, resting your calloused palm against the cold stone. Strange. The longer your hand lingers on the wall... you swear you can feel... a pulse. As if the maze is alive. You step back slowly, shaking your head in confusion. Flashes of light shoot through your mind as memories of pain and screaming crash against you. You reach for your ears, trying to block out the horrific sounds. Your sanity struggles to remain in control. Steeling yourself to the terror inside your head, you decide it was time to choose which narrow path to take. You have to escape from this nightmare before you lose all control. In the distance, you hear the piercing, high-pitched wail of some new terror of great enormity. The very air seems to chill you to the bone - your teeth begin to chatter uncontrollably as the hideous screech echos across the black walls. You stumble forward - a lost soul trying to escape his own hell.

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Review by Infinicorn
15 Sep 2016
This is the most emotionally attached I have ever gotten to a text-based game so far! I love Grimm sooo much, and the riddles weren't too hard that I couldn't do them, but not so easy that it seemed too simple. The ending was amazing, many props to you for making such an amazing game!

Review by Bjack
16 May 2016
Amazing! I love how the ending implies that you can never leave the maze.

Review by chaos42249
15 Feb 2016
That was amazing; I loved the ending!

Review by DaNiX88
25 Mar 2015
A very detailed game that has you on the edge of your seat. The puzzles were fun to solve, and the storyline left you wanting to continue to find out more. I loved the unlocking aspect of the game.

My only problem was the lack of objects, even hidden objects. I would have liked to look at objects as I went, maybe with a little bit of interaction. For example, if there was a statue in the middle of the room noted in the room's description, instead of describing everything about it there, maybe have the extra information about something dripping down it after examining/looking at it.

BE CAREFUL OF VERB TENSES. Sometimes I noticed in the descriptions the verb tense shifted from present tense to past tense. Be careful to keep it the present tense when describing the objects that are currently present.

Perhaps some easter eggs or alternative endings?

All in all, great game and keep up the good work!

24 Mar 2015
Greatly detailed, very long, good read, even the description is long, many rooms, and just a fantastic game. 5/5

Review by johnhf
24 Mar 2015
Cody, Better leave out object descriptions in the room description. I took the candlestick and even dropped it elsewhere and yet the candlestick (according to the room description) was still on the piano. Very amateurish!!! Put me off playing, straight away.

Review by GeneralShiro
24 Mar 2015
Detailed descriptions of rooms, lots of riddles and a dark atmosphere with a curious context. Quit making me read, Cody.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 23 Mar 2015
Updated 30 Mar 2015





