Innocent by asksomeoneelse

When you're new to a town, you don't go around accusing your fellow townspeople of murder.

However, there is an exception to this rule, and this instance is it.
You moved into this town looking for a new start, a new beginning. The population is small, only thirteen including you. Caedis is exactly what you were looking for. A quiet, peaceful place to relax, to get away from the hustle and bustle of city life. That is, was a peaceful place.
One morning, you and your neighbors awake to a dead body. Anyone is a suspect and no one can be trusted. Can you find the murderer before they find you?

"Special Collections." Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. N.p., n.d. Web. 27 Oct. 2014.
Sloan, Holly Goldberg. Counting by 7s. New York: Dial for Young Readers, 2013. Print.

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Review by danaburgerrr
06 Nov 2014
short, but not too much depth here. I also dislike the playthrough mode you chose; I much prefer being able to explore a world rather than just click through a very linear story. not too much evidence to go off of, either. took a wild guess based on one specific clue and wound up being right. OK for a beginner game but not wildly original or interesting.

Review by LeisureSuit Larry
04 Nov 2014
Nice. Moral of the story: It's not always who you think it is

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Published 27 Oct 2014
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