The Call by Geometrywars12

Enjoy! This took me about 3 months. You live with your mother in a wooded area.
Review by Deckrect
16 Jun 2018
Right... I am giving it a 3 stars, and here goes the why:

It is a very simple and straight forward game. There are not many options, for real, and those the player faces are not of real great impact. In some cases i found the author used illusion of choice.
Also, the game is made with the vague and short usual interactive fiction text. Even if many interactive fiction theorists defends such way of writing in favor of projecting player's self and other tricks, i do not find it as interesting as having an actual character. Also, there is so much vagueness in the text that the game is much more an adventure game than a horror one.

There is a broken text about a corpse which is there, vanishes and then is there once again.

There is the great search in the house, which gives you a map, and after the player finishes investigating all, a new place comes into the game. It would be interesting if the search had something linked to the map, as a resource to take a better decision. Also, searching the whole house is just a waste of time. There are very weak consequences on the choices of this search. This would be better explored.

Finnally, the game simply ends before the actual end. It needs finishing. For the amount of text, choices and the lack of programming, i imagine the three months time of production relates to story working and polishing. I suggest the author work first on plot, make a page's plan and then get into actual writing. It saves us from organizational troubles.

That's it.

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