Work Work Work by BeggerStager

You wake up and it's time to go to work. Will it be an easy day or a hard day? What will happen? Either way, you just need to do your job and WORK. Hopefully, your boss doesn't yell at you.

The game is currently in "alpha" so I should be able to add updates and stuff. Leave a comment for what you'd like in the next version. Maybe you get arrested, maybe a UFO attack.

If you discover any bugs, go ahead and leave a comment.

Planned Updates & To Do List:
- Add more stuff

Game Updates:
1/14/17 - Planning to make the game so that you can go back to "waking up" and then going to work. Kind of like Groundhog's day or something. I think I need to add the details for the "go to work" stuff. I think the scripts are fine.
- Added counter: "Work" The amount of work that needs to be done in order to go home for the day. Planning to add pages for the different "events." The player will go to a page which will randomize which event will occur.
- I've completed the basic necessities. Will add more events later. Should probably go through "bug testing"

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23 Jan 2018
Hmm. Very monotonous. Just like actual work. Maybe add some dating elements, or the possibility of getting fired?

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 15 Jan 2017
Updated 16 Jan 2017





