The text adventure of the mind-boggling game; The Stanley Parable. You play as Stanley, a simple man who works for a company. He likes to push buttons, basically; it's his job. But one day, he finds all of his co-workers gone and his workplace completely empty. Viciously curious, Stanley embarks on a journey through the building, eventually uncovering a dark secret from his employers, which threatens Stanley's very existence...
...Or does he? Being in control of Stanley, there are countless ways you can drive the story. You can follow it, go against it, trick it, or even destroy it completely. Which path will you take? How many endings will you find?
It's all up to you, Stanley. Good luck...
Copyright to the guys at Galactic Cafe.
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It was incredible! Just one problem though. I got the game ending, where once you play all those games the narrator puts you in, eventually you end up wandering through the darkness of an unfinished part of the game, abandoned by the narrator. After this, there's no button to restart. To continue, you have to completely restart the game. Fix this please its annoying!
Really good! Finally a way you can play the game(sorta) without download! But I think the real game would be better.... but I haven't played that so.. Mneh. BTW my favorite ending is the BROOM CLOSET ending. 4 stars.
Amazing!!! Really felt like as close as you can get to a text version of the true game. I could actually hear the Narrator`s delightfully British accent during the whole time!
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Written by nintendex
Plays 48627
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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 10 Dec 2013
Updated 26 Apr 2015
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