
This user has not published any games publicly yet.

Reviews by _xXMidnight

Review for ETR Vol. 2
24 Aug 2021
petition to make the correct door in Room 9 to the 4th door because in Chinese, 4 means "death", and it would make a nice illogical section

*laughing noises*

24 Aug 2021
*me who only got the whole thing in 15 minutes:*

jk i didn't complete it, I couldn't memorize the pathways as I needed more memory capacity, scuse me

Review for Master Riddler
24 Aug 2021
yeetus the fetus, insanity deletus.
idk why i did that tbh XD

Review for The Missing Key
24 Aug 2021
Imagine the shock I had when I realized I could take Mr J.
God help us all XD

Review for Solarium
23 Aug 2021
so elaborate!-

Review for My Guardian Angel
23 Aug 2021
It's a nice story, though I think you chose the wrong format. Stories like this don't exactly need commands, as it can progress through without telling the reader to interact with something.
I still enjoyed it though ^w^

Review for The Guild Master
23 Aug 2021
This is underrated.
I really love the game :D

Review for (do not) forget
29 Jul 2021
I've gotta admit, I was expecting a jump scare throughout the game.
It's etched into my memory that games that look really fun and carefree like this usually have darker and more pg meanings.
Insecurity is really annoying.
But all in all, it's really interesting.
Very fun as well, though please don't keep me on my toes anymore.
It's really stressing.

Review for Textdown
28 Jul 2021

Review for Portcullis
27 Jul 2021
Conquer the castle.
Defeat the sorcerer.
Also check, along with the 3 endings.
Annoy the chef.
Ohoho yes, I had fun with that one.
I originally thought this was going to be boring.
Looks like your text adventures always prove me wrong.

27 Jul 2021
At first, I wanted to just quit the game because it was slightly boring, and I couldn't seem to find how to not die. But this voice in my head kept nagging me, "I'm sure it's a good game!" So I kept playing.

Halfway through, I really like it now. The plot is quite distinct, with some information about the world here and there. Though I died a few times. Not poggers. But the plot. Poggers.

Now I've finished the whole thing and found the sloth.

I'm sad.

I'm waiting for the next one, and if it's already released, SOMEONE TELL ME PLEASE-
*ahem* pardon me.
Carry on with your coding adventures, this is amazing :D

frIck rEAdIng pOEtrY hAs mAdE mE slIghtlY mOrE pOEtIc-

Review for Choice of Robots
26 Jul 2021
Amazing, amazing!
Pretty late, I know -w-"
But it would be a lot nicer if the entire thing was free, though I do understand why it needs to be paid for.





