The Hobbit: Vol I by nplindsell

You are Bilbo Baggins, a respectable Hobbit who hates adventures. But Gandalf the Wizard and 13 Dwarves make you go on an adventure to recover stolen treasure from the Dragon Smaug...

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Review by Dovahkiin3
20 Feb 2019
it was kid of good in the sense that there is a lot to explore

Review by kitkat4u
26 Dec 2014
I found the game FUN. e.e I'd like to see all you haters try and make a game like this. Wa-what? TOO HARD? THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT. This game is awesome,2 thumbs up. XD

Review by Sam
31 Jan 2004
This game is not quite as bad as I thought it would be from the comments. It is quite good! I like the way you put the story in it but the game is bad, You need not do anything but I give it a three. If you have the book already, Don't download it but if you never read the book you should get it. I give you half a thumbs up! lol

Review by Anonymous
09 Nov 2002
This is a stupid game, man even my fist game was better than this!!

Review by Anonymous
21 Sep 2002
BAD GAME!!!! THis game is awful it is nothing like the real thing I have seen the cartoon five times and it is poor compared to the cartoon. But I am goningto give it a good rating Just so you'll play it and see how dumb it is.

Review by Carlii Cortez1
01 Jul 2002
I was very dissapointed with this game. And that's a shame because it looks like an awful lot of work has been put into it. The main reason I gaved this such a bad review was simply because of it's hard-to-follow plot, many gliches and it's overload of language.

Review by STRo
01 Jul 2002
i read the book 5-6 times (same with lord of the rings)
you also can go back to the trolls when they are stoned
you press the west they are alive (should be able to go back in time) totaly misunderstud the point.

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