a massive world where you can eat and digest everything that moves and breaths.
the ony thing it will cost is at times hearing my own self loathing as I realize again and again how horrifying and perverse this fetish is and how disgusting I am for being into it.
there are 55 entities to be eaten and digested, can you find and kill them all?
some of them will be lost if you choose the wrong options and some of them will be unlocked through only very specific choices.
along with most normal encounters there are also 3 treasure rooms full of tasty snacks (what have I done with my life?)
and a final boss with a long and convoluted path to victory.
You will find many different scenarios for vore but you Wont find many types of vore, I don't care for anal or unbirth, or any other special types, it's basically just oral.
Hope you have fun, and I hope this never turns me on again.
death is inevitable and life is a joke, have a great day