The Jeffery Parable by ccooldean

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Too short

This game is too short to be put into a category. Players expect games not to be all over within a few seconds.
EDIT: I have no idea how this game is short. But, I guess there's nothing much else I can do.

Ladies and gentlemen, this one of the (surprisingly few) fan games of the great "Stanley Parable"

So come along, and enjoy yet another parable, with yet another narrator...
who knows... you may learn a few things about Stanley you never knew... (Not in official lore, of course.)

NOTE: If you discover any bugs report them to me VIA the comments, and if you have any more ending ideas.

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Review by Kell
31 Dec 2022
Pretty cool!

Review by jmnevil54
27 Aug 2019
I had fun. I played until I got the "press L in the mysterious room" ending.

It's a good game. It could improve. It's based off of the Stanley Parable, however, the Stanley Parable is lengthened by having lots of scenery, narration, and multpie paths. This game has ittle scenery, not much narration, and some but not as many paths. I understand this game may not be complete. The author may need to add multiple new paths, new scenery, and new narrationd, to lengthen the playtime of this game. For his sake, I hope he does so too.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Added 02 Jul 2015
Updated 16 Jul 2015





