Im new here by ultimateeman

I Am New Here
This is a story about a boy who is 17 years old and just got rejected by a girl. He is taking the long way home, by walking through the woods, where he sees a bright light in the sky. All of a sudden, something is coming towards him. He jumps out of the way and then there a crash with fire blasting out everywhere. He comes to and walks towards the crater and sees a small ship. He jumps down into the crater and gets closer to the ship and the door opens and out comes an alien girl. She points out into the sky where a bright light starts to shine over them coming towards them. You grab her and jump out the way, where a even bigger ship lands over her ship. The bigger ship starts to transform into a big crab like robot monster.
The giant robot says "Hand over the girl !". Throughout the remaining of this story, Mike has to protect the Alien girl while trying to destroy the Giant robot crab. The alien girl has the power to transform anything into a weapon which makes this a comedy adventurous story.

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Review by Plankcaked77
28 Oct 2016
It's a good story, with funny sentences like "you feel as if someone took a big crap on your soul" and "bitch blade" that make the experience more enjoyable. However, there are a lot of spelling errors and capitalization mistakes that detract from the story. For example, what is "face extension human" supposed to mean? I'm guessing it's supposed to say "extinction", but it's very confusing. Also, the ideas are somewhat cliched, but you could use that to your advantage and make it a satire on cliches or somehow otherwise use it for humor.

Review by Regisblackgaard
27 Oct 2016
Well Writeen

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Added 12 Oct 2016
Updated 13 Oct 2016





