Future 10 by 02baseman

You are in the future, year 4000. You're in a country called Satch. No humans, birds or anything that will not hurt you. There are ruins of houses, factories and military bases. There are trees and fields all throughout the country.

There is one problem though. All of the humans have evacuated Earth and went to a planet called Sploosh. They left the planet because of evil creatures that have taken over. You have to find all of the three parts for your spaceship so you can evacuate. Then you will have to find the take off room so you can build your ship and take off. But first you will have to find all of the three monsters and destroy them. But before you do all of that you have to find weapons and tools that will help you defeat the monsters. You have to find the three tools before you take off. Water bottle, gun and rope. After you do all of that, then you can take off and beat the game.

There are three monsters. The Folg which is the worst out of all of them and by far the hardest to kill. It’s seven feet tall with huge muscles. With scars all over it’s body and very ugly with a giant axe and knife on it’s belt. It wears a black ripped tunic and a black belt. It’s skin is also tan and eyes are red. The Gruel which is almost as hard to kill as the Folg but not quit. It is six and a half feet tall with a white ripped tunic and tan skin. It’s ugly, but not as strong as the Folg. It has a big sword with a bow, and arrows on it’s back. A scar across it’s right eye. It also has a white belt. It also has red eyes. The Croog is the easiest the kill but it is pretty strong and really ugly too. It has a green tunic, green belt and tan skin. It has red eyes and a knife with a slingshot attached to it’s belt. It also has a scar across his whole face.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 10 Nov 2015





