School Giantess by Tingster

You wake you up and you are 3 inches tall you also realize your in your sisters room what will you do

(hey this is my first try I hope you get some enjoyment out of it any comment will be considered if you have any idea for an event just comment it and I'll do what I can to get it in the game)
Review by aceshley1989
21 Oct 2019
very, very interesting. i would like to see an update where we explore more of the school.

Review by sansiel
16 Jun 2019
Very interesting. I hope for an early update.

Review by Satan666
18 Oct 2018
This game is decent, but it is absolutely FULL of spelling and grammar mistakes. Are you a non-native speaker, or... just young? (I hope you aren't TOO young...) Regardless of your excuse, the writing is hard to read for a English nerd like me.

Thankfully, you are in luck!

Just take all the written dialogue and text, and paste it into Grammarly. It's a spellchecker that will make sure your writing is much better, or at least get rid of the MANY spelling and grammar mistakes.

If you don't wanna use Grammarly, that's fine, but you NEED to fix the spelling errors ASAP or this game will suffer greatly. As a Textadventure, it should be your number one priority, in my opinion. You could also do well with a bit better pacing, and dialogue, but based on the current state of the writing, I think you should take it slow.

Here is the link to the Grammarly website. It's a FREE chrome extension, and it's amazing!

Review by xxllxx
07 Sep 2018
Some of the deaths are pretty abrupt, making you start all over from the beginning after each one. But I'm glad it's not fully focused on feet content.

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Added 05 Sep 2018
Updated 06 Sep 2018

