Family Troubles by melvino2010

A family of four, the Jacksons, has just moved into a house on Martin Luther King, Jr. Drive in Atlanta, GA. This is the third place, in their third county, within a year that they have had to pack up just to unpack again. Each time there has been a tragic accident that caused them to move, whether it was their house completely flooding, their apartment getting knocked down by a tornado, or some other seemingly natural circumstance. The fact of the matter is, the family is tired of moving and having to change up their entire lives because of these series of unfortunate events. Every time they move, each person loses something they love to do. The mother, Janis who is 35, lost her spot in the book club that she enjoyed going to as well as all of her books. The father, Carl who is 38, lost his spot as the captain of his rifle team as well as all of his guns and armory. Rachel, the 10 year old daughter, lost her position of co-captain of the dance team that she was a part of. Lastly, Josh, the 13 year old son, lost his positions on the basketball and baseball teams that he was a part of. The fact of the matter is, they were tired and confused on why this kept happening to them. It always starts out the same, but with a different ending result.

One pot ends up on the floor during the night in the living room. The next night the same pot is back in the same spot but full with steaming water. The steaming water stays hot throughout the night and is still steaming in the morning as if fresh. Next comes the opening and closing downstairs bathroom door which starts a month later after it seems that things are calming down. At first it is thought that someone is just up in the middle of the night until it was accidentally caught on tape. This is a series that indicates that the spirit is following the family. It is one spirit that is locked onto them, not a different spirit that seems to be in each of their places of residence. They are now tired and fed up with the hauntings, and are ready to get to the root of the spirit.

Josh finally decides that enough is enough. Everyone is happy again and becoming content with their new place of residence. You, Josh, is out to put an end to everything.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 30 Mar 2015
Updated 30 Mar 2015





