Asylum Island (game may undergo debugging in the near future...) by Dynasty

You wake up, to find that you are not dead. That is a good thing, isn't it? NOPE not in your case. You see a dark silhouette in the shadows and a Grey old building, your smoking airplane in the sea and a lighthouse. All you have are your clothes and an empty back pack.

be warned.... there are no "save" points. Only death is the way of getting away from these dark memories.
This is a horror game......

(this game may undergo debugging in the near future...)

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Review by funkyspunk90
18 Sep 2016
A school project still with bugs like being unable to take objects or leave rooms, so you can't complete it. Pretty basic, and not very explained.

Review by Delmn
29 May 2014
Loved how there was a restart and quit menu

Review by Anonymoose
28 May 2014
While I didn't quite complete it, I came as close as I could before making my decision. This game needs a bit of debugging, and perhaps a bit of an explanation to why the "BEAST IS AFTER ME!" I couldn't piece a lot of this game together and the timers seemed a bit pointless. Boat Part D was bugged and I couldn't get it, which I had stumbled upon while trying to escape from... whatever it was. Lastly, please get rid of the unnecessary kitchen graphic. I figured that that was supposed to be the room and that I could interact with what I could see in the room.

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