Running from the Stranger by pnguyen22

This is my first game and you will love this game if you like running from killer games!Can you escape from the killer.Hope You Enjoy!

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Review by Regisblackgaard
14 Dec 2016
- the first parts were really funny, especially all that graphic violence. i also liked all the realistic stuff that was, for some reason, humorous. so +4 stars for that.
-the grammer was sorta...messed up so -0.5 stars for that.
-it was too short, so -2 stars for that...
-Finally, i could tell that you put lots of work into this game, so +1.5 stars.
All in all, a solid game that could do with more polishing and work.


Review by Xx_BenD_xX
10 May 2016
Sorry................I hate bad grammar and some of your choices didn't lead anywhere.

Review by Ozzy S.T.
22 Apr 2016
A very short game, based on a very simple premise. Neither of these things are a problem in themselves, depending on how they're delivered and executed.
The issue here is how rushed everything is. You'll come accross life-changing events right at the start that would make a perfect basis for some character development, for example. But the way it is delivered, makes you shrug your shoulders with indifference to said events because there is almost zero focus on them, or their significance.
There is no chance to relate, like, or feel sorry for any of the characters, because from the way they are introduced and "developed" they might as well have been called "character A, character B, etc".
I thank you for this work, pnguyen22, and sincerely hope this honest comment serves as motivation for improvement.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 04 Feb 2016
Updated 05 Feb 2016





