The game is just...Bad. Even if you're a beginner, but really? Just, one, it's not really a puzzle, two, it has no purpose. But, it is a text adventure. I remember disliking to have to create a text adventure. I got frustrated as soon as I saw what I was dealing with. So yeah, but still, going to have to give it one star.
With a bland beginning, SmallBean's "Taco Bell" proves more of an amateur attempt to something bigger, with a short story line and no real plot. You are given an array of options (whether you turn left, right, up, down, lest you actually know where you are in terms to the building) while busily making your way to an obscure register (or, at least that's what I got as there is no real intention to begin with) that serves you a joke before ending. I would expect something better (as SmallBean seems to have made this as a test, with poor grammar and an even poorer story) in the future, and maybe a bit more understandable as to not confuse the audience with meaningless directions which do not enhance the game.