The Day After: 205 - Mini Episode - by TallEndOfRoadTails

Based on another planet to earth, different rules, different languages and different culture. Set 205 years after the creation and formation of your tribe. You play as a 15 year old male, who has to choose between family or the tribe and if you will stand against all odds. This is the first in the series and will be a short episode, as time goes along they will be, longer and better built. I felt a mini episode was good for building suspense in coming episodes. Any problems that you can find, please leave a comment and I'll get to it. As stated from the title, this is a mini episode. It was something to start this series.

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Review by snazzy ray
08 Mar 2017
The story is cool but the writing and stuff looks like you just typed it out and then didn't check it afterward. I think you should take this down and start a new one, and put a lot more time into it.

Review by ezekieljd
07 Mar 2017
Very poor writing and fake choices. The choices do not really change anything, since they are almost exactly the same. Also, attempt to scale down and rewrite your writing.

Review by SkinnyAlien
05 Mar 2017
The writing wasn't that detailed and the story was a bit confusing. The choices were idiotic. Work on your writing before you do a complete series.

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Published 04 Mar 2017
Updated 07 Mar 2017





