Battle Scars (A Warrior Cats tale) by blueskies555

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Incomplete

The game appears to be unfinished, or is a demo of a longer work which has not yet been completed. Once the game has been completely written, it may be re-categorised.
You play as a warrior of ThunderClan.
This is my first game so I'm really sorry if its bad...
It's a work in progress; though its obvious...

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Review by SomeUkranian
18 Oct 2022
Great game indeed, waiting for it to finish

Review by IvyIsNotPoisonIvy
14 Jul 2021
I loved it It was amazing you should make more story game thingamajigs

Review by Emberstrike102
30 Sep 2020
Love it! It is super realistic and entertaining as well as very fun!

27 Jun 2020
AWSOME!!!!!plz continue,but if your hurt or sick plz wait till your better and i'm not just saying that i promise

Review by Shade'Eye
04 Jun 2020
"In my opinion, it's a really good game. Sadly tho, that there's no pictures describing the story paths, but it's still cool.
Any ways it was a nice story, that much, that when I reached the end of it, I was kinda sad cuz i enjoyed it… :/
Keep the great work and continue the story plz.
~Shade'Eye (Shadow Clan warrior)

Review by PurpletailTC12
23 Apr 2020
Plz add more like mate kits plz

Review by Peach
13 Apr 2020
It was a pretty good game, I loved the action!

Review by Mycatisabird
09 Apr 2020
It's an alright story, but it definitely has that WIP feel to it. I noticed you kept using the wrong your/you're and a couple other grammar mistakes, which could be fixed with a bit of studying/practice. This may be a bit of a nitpick, but the names seemed a bit boring. Prefixes/suffixes aren't limited to whatever was used in the main books, but really anything that a cat could reasonably know of- even kittypet name prefixes if you ever write about Skyclan. Otherwise, this game seems really nice, and could probably be amazing if it's ever finished.

Review by warri0rcats
08 Apr 2020
I LOVED IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Review by Misterfox
14 Mar 2020
Finish!!! Please!!!

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