
Reviews by Misterfox

28 Aug 2020
This is a good game, but how do you suddenly end up having kits? I'm so confused... Why does no one seem to care about your confusion? Or even ask who the father is? But other then that this is a good game :) I like how it's short and clear.

09 Jun 2020
Umm it doesn't have any options its just three pages saying "This is a page type what you want here and create links" or something please write it it sounds like it would be really good.

18 May 2020
At the end you can't choose your name other then Dewfeather also at the beginning someone called you Dawnpaw. The battle was quite short also but other then that i loved it, there were lots of interesting bits to the game and i hope you make one where you are a warrior also, I liked how every page had a choice that was great!!! :D it's really good :D

14 Mar 2020
Really great, please finish!!!!

14 Mar 2020
Usually I can’t get around those type of games but this was really easy to navigate and it’s AMAZING lmk when the next ones done!!!

14 Mar 2020
Finish!!! Please!!!

13 Mar 2020
This is an AMAZING game you have to play!!!!!!!!!!

12 Mar 2020
Seriously could you add a bit more also Cats can hunt rabbits in every clan not just Windclan and your mentor wouldn’t reject you for trying to catch prey. One other thing try update it and make it so you don’t get banished for warning the clan about something you think could be a threat! SO...

12 Mar 2020
Really love it please update and finish!!!!!!

04 Mar 2020
Really good really enjoyed it and i’m Guessing you haven’t finished so keep it up!!!

01 Mar 2020
really great love it and hope you finish it!!!!!!! :)

You have made it really good, and please add more to both of the paths!!!! (Wake up and Sleep) this is sooooooooo gooood though!!!!!!😀😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

01 Mar 2020
Really goodplease finish!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😀😀😀😀😀😀

I love the game and find it fun to read, but try to make the pages shorter or just one or two. other then that i really enjoyed it and please keep updating it!!!

Review for Warrior cats
18 Feb 2020
It was really good try to add a bit more!!!!

Review for Kit-to-StarClan
01 Aug 2019
Really great but I would love you to finish the game. Sad that you can’t be a riverclan cat 😕🙁☹️. So I really would love you to do that.

06 Jul 2019
Great but if you choose to explore the camp with bramblekit you go to change your mind instead of explore the camp. So I be confused.

03 Apr 2019
This is a great game, I can’t wait for the 2nd one!! It’s a great first game and I can’t wait to play the next game!!:) I would love it if it were a bit longer, though it’s amazing for a first game.





