Romance is Everywhere by JJ

This is my first text game. It is pretty easy so hope you guys like it.

Keep in mind that this is not done. I just wanted to test the waters. I figure if no one plays it then why should I continue to put four hours a day in this. So to show you want more leave a comment :).

Keep in mind: THIS is NOT COMPLETELY finished. Please don't write angry comments saying that there are black pages.

I just wanted to know if my time spent doing this is worth it and going to be worth it. That is why I published this unfinished.

I put a lot of work into this so a five star rating would be great! Thank you all for playing.

I am also aware there are some spelling/grammar mistaken.

Also constructive criticism is welcomed. However, spamming, trolling, and/or being plain mean is NOT appreciated. Thanks!

Also sorry it is so short :(

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Review by Dude-Sweet
15 Apr 2016
cant wait for more of it

Review by Shadow Omega Wolf
22 Nov 2015
The storyline is fantastic
I can't wait for it to be done
Also I know you said there wasn't gonna be detailed sexual scenes but can you do it for me plz I really like those kind of things and also don't listen to the rude comments they're just being jerks I think the introduction is great

Review by Forsakensoul1
18 Oct 2014
I'd give this a five if it were finished. I really liked the one path that didn't abruptly end. This shows a lot of potential, but I do suggest trashing the introduction. While I don't mind it, others might get offended and view it as rude. Also, fix the typos. Other than that, I would encourage you to work on this more.

Review by Teanabunce
21 Aug 2014
Yeah I like it :3

Review by HaikenEdge
16 Mar 2014
Extremely rude introduction. Poorly written and needs significant editing. Mostly incomplete.

Review by ThomasNolan007
07 Jan 2014
it was ok but unfinished the game was intresting and i would like to see it completed

Review by Iwasneverhere
08 Nov 2013
The storyline honestly wasn't very interesting and there was only one path you could take that didn't end right off the bat.

Review by Stormwolf101
08 Oct 2013
A few grammar mistakes, but the interesting story makes up for it. Unlike some people, I didn't have a problem with the introduction. Don't worry about it. Please continue the game, as I really want to play it.

Review by kabahaly
28 Aug 2013
Grammar - 0 out of 10.
Vocabulary - 0 out of 10.

Did I mention that the introduction was very rude? Do not continue this game.

Review by mintfur5
05 Aug 2013
Pleeeeeaaaaase finish this!!!

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