This is my first text game. It is pretty easy so hope you guys like it.
Keep in mind that this is not done. I just wanted to test the waters. I figure if no one plays it then why should I continue to put four hours a day in this. So to show you want more leave a comment :).
Keep in mind: THIS is NOT COMPLETELY finished. Please don't write angry comments saying that there are black pages.
I just wanted to know if my time spent doing this is worth it and going to be worth it. That is why I published this unfinished.
I put a lot of work into this so a five star rating would be great! Thank you all for playing.
I am also aware there are some spelling/grammar mistaken.
Also constructive criticism is welcomed. However, spamming, trolling, and/or being plain mean is NOT appreciated. Thanks!
Also sorry it is so short :(
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The storyline is fantastic
I can't wait for it to be done
Also I know you said there wasn't gonna be detailed sexual scenes but can you do it for me plz I really like those kind of things and also don't listen to the rude comments they're just being jerks I think the introduction is great
I'd give this a five if it were finished. I really liked the one path that didn't abruptly end. This shows a lot of potential, but I do suggest trashing the introduction. While I don't mind it, others might get offended and view it as rude. Also, fix the typos. Other than that, I would encourage you to work on this more.
A few grammar mistakes, but the interesting story makes up for it. Unlike some people, I didn't have a problem with the introduction. Don't worry about it. Please continue the game, as I really want to play it.
Average rating
Written by JJ
Plays 6996
Downloads 2622 Download file
Written for Quest 5.3
Published 01 Mar 2013
Updated 01 Mar 2013
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