Saving Julius Caesar! by muhlmann

The user plays the role of an adolescent peasant who works as a messenger for the statesman, Mark Antony. In the year 46 B.C. you begin delivering messages directly to the slopes of Palatine Hill. Some are directed to Roman senators and others directly to the leader of the Roman Republic, Gaius Julius Caesar. At this point in time, Marc Antony and Caesar were close friends. They wrote to each other often with details involving war-plans, trade deals, and sometimes even wrote in epigrams. In 44 B.C., you are sent to deliver a letter to Caesar. Mark Antony rushes you to make sure the document gets to him as fast as possible and with the utmost amount of secrecy.

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Review by strawman
17 Nov 2016
Nice setting and premise.

Review by Marzipan
15 May 2016
This was far too short IMO but the writing was good with no obviously punctuation or grammatical issues, and the setting and premise were interesting. With how young so many of the players here are though and how rarely anything about Rome is taught in schools anymore I felt like one area that could have been expanded on (which would have also increased the length) is the actual context for who the characters are, what's going on and why it's important. You've got that short overview in your description but so much of that could've been incorporated into the story itself, as well as some general details about life in Rome at the time.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 11 May 2016





