First Times by Hero Robb

I highly recommend downloading this as to playing it in the browser because glitches surface in online play and the original music I wrote for it doesn't seem to work in the online play either.
This is my first foray into IF, so be gentle. I used a simplified language for inputs on this game. You pretty much only need to type look, take, use "whatever" (on "whatever"), go (north/east/south/west), and read. You awaken in what appears to be a hospital. Good luck.

Edit: Now uploaded is version 1.1 with numerous bug fixes and clarifications.

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Review by misper34
04 May 2024
I thought this was a good game. I enjoyed it. And the story escalation is pretty interesting. I also enjoyed how the music cued. Good work!

28 Oct 2023
I see some glitches in the game, but the gameplay itself is really fun, I like horror. But quite the gameplay, I am astonished. Truly the best thing I have seen today. -Emrldflame

Review by Cinco de Mayo
01 Jun 2021
Like watching a horror film except YOU are in it and the stakes are real! Like that he made his own music for it, that's a dedication

Review by Mayuzzolina
16 May 2021
This is amazing! It was the first thing that brough me into these types of games and I love it! :D I also like how at first it's alright but then just slowly goes into more and more insanity

Review by LemonDemon_
05 Mar 2021
It's a good horror text adventure game... especially if its the developer's first foray into IF...
Now I do have to say, sometimes it would bug out slightly when I entered something into the command bar, making the response time a bit slow...
But other then that, the sound effects are competent, the story feels eerie, etc...
So yeah, if you want to pass the time, give this game a go... :>

Review by M̶T̶
01 Dec 2020
You use a scalpel on the doll then spider will come out then you drop the egg of feed the egg to the spiders.

Review by charlie_kb
28 Sep 2017
This is an incredibly atmospheric game, 10/10 for the sound, kept me unnerved the whole way through. Excellent job!

Review by Jfulls002
01 Sep 2017
This was the first IF text adventure I ever played, when I was about 12, and it scared the S**t out of me, but I loved it. Still love it at 18

Review by GameofChocolate
18 Jul 2017
It's a super awesome, fun, and creepy game. But with the hundred thousand freezes I gave up. Awesome job on the writing though. Very dark and twisted. :)

Review by emmodii
28 Mar 2017
Admittedly, I'm not done with the game (At the part where the hallway blacks out and the doll is chasing me and I left it at that part because I need a damn breather first), but so far, I think I've played enough to say this has been absolutely AMAZING so far. It's the only horror text adventure I've played so far that managed to scare and freak the absolute Hell out of me.

The sounds are a very nice touch to it and definitely add in to the creep factor, and it hasn't been done in excess so far, so it's still creepy and definitely not overdone.

I'm a little loss at some parts, so I look around for hints others have put online, but I can definitely say so far that it has been amazing.

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Written by
Hero Robb

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Written for Quest 5.2
Published 25 Apr 2012
Updated 22 Sep 2012

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