Night of the Creeper by Craig Dutton

As an amateur Ghost-Hunter you head for the village of Abbeymede in hope of witnessing any supernatural sightings. However, this night will unravel a tale of dread and horror and the true nature of the ghost known as the Creeper.

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Review by danaburgerrr
25 Feb 2015
you are a deliciously evil writer, Craig. this one is super creepy (that doll at the end, omg) but I love all that supernatural stuff so I found it to be really fun. the hidden things threw me off at first, like how to gain entry to the belfry, which I was overthinking, of course. haunted mansions and prisons and asylums are some of my favorite things, so I loved the characters and story, and I like the touch with the tramp having been an asylum employee too. I often need the comments to progress through your games, but I think I'd be disappointed if your puzzles weren't as tricky as they are. the one thing I found cumbersome was the expansion of the "LOOK" command; I think using "LIFT" or just "LOOK BEHIND" would have sufficed, as there weren't too many times in the game were I had to use the other "LOOK" commands and it became a little tiring using them all upon discovering a new place/object to try to find the correct trigger for a clue. other than that, loved this one. well done as always.

Review by crowley
01 Jul 2014
Game crashed, forcing me to start again. Some common commands for these games not recognised.

Review by Breeze
30 Jan 2013
Hi everyone
I am pretty stuck now
I have:
Ticket cigarette lighter
Make-shift spear
Cash box
I think I need a light source other then the lighter to look around the bell fry, and I need keys for the cash box, door B and the iron grating
I cannot find anything other to do, who can give me a push in the right direction please ?

Review by sarah4
23 Jan 2013
Hi Craig, thanks very much, I feel really silly now, but I have to admit that I had already completed the game without realising! I had found the 'survivor' in the ruins and followed instructions with terrifying consequences, but I had assumed it wasn't the winning ending as I had failed to appease Veronica and had instead angered her so that she destroyed the asylum, I had assumed I needed to get her to leave the asylum. But, it turns out I'd actually got the real ending after all, sorry for driving you mad with questions when I'd already finished!

Anyway, this was yet another amazing game from my favourite author, I'm very easily scared so don't usually play horror games, but this was absolutely 'gripping'! The story was extremely well-conceived and developped and unfolded incredibly effectively as more puzzles were solved. The writing was flawless as usual, with incredibly evocative descriptions which built up to create an atmosphere of pure tension and suspense culminating in an extremely creepy deneument which is likely to leave me with nightmares for some time! I think I had been hoping for a 'happy' ending, which is why I hadn't noticed that I'd finished the game earlier, but the actual ending fits far better with the overall tone and form of the game and is far more effective! The village and locations are also beautifully realised and feel extremely atmospheric. Can't wait for your future games!

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Craig Dutton

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Written for Quest 5.3
Published 13 Jan 2013
Updated 30 Jul 2013

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