Check out Labyrinthian: Reborn. I've restarted this project from the beginning, as my coding in the original was really sloppy. It's not very far yet into development, but I hope to add to it (slowly, but steadily)... Maybe. I don't know. Life kinda sucks right now for me, to be honest. I had stopped trying to work on this as it seemed that nobody cared, and it was a lot of work for me.
Anyway, thanks to anyone who cared enough to read this far or any of this at all.
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All round great game. Maybe a few little bugs still, and that locked door is frustrating. I almost tried all 10,000 possible 4-didget combos with numbers 0-9. Still can't get it. Orc is hard. Dragon is easier!
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Written by itarechi
Plays 5405
Downloads 2937 Download file
Written for Quest 5.4
Published 12 May 2013
Updated 18 Mar 2015
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