Ka'Hal: The King of Dragons by K3N711

An Epic Quest In Episodes...
Some stuff happens, and, oh yeah, there's a DRAGON. :)


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Review by GameofChocolate
31 May 2017
The 2 choice scenario was kinda boring, but the worst part was when the kid finally leaves the home and I choose cash so i can buy what I need and it starts over. I really don't want to start at teh very beginning every time I make the wrong choice.

Review by gollummen
12 Aug 2016
I did not make it far because of a strange loop.

Review by Ilikethesegames
24 May 2016
i thought it was pretty damn good but it was way too short

Review by Nero
10 Jul 2015
It was written good but the fact the "bad" options would lead nowhere and loop the game is very annoying and ruins it if you don't want to pick what isn't available.

Review by DaNiX88
17 Feb 2015
A very entertaining game. Although you should have put it in the "Comedy" section.
All in all, 4 stars; and on to the next chapter!

Review by Ranique
27 Jan 2015
It was okay but the only problem was
IT WAS A FREAKING LOOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I mean come on it just kept on going!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I did kind of like it but please!!!!!!!!!!!! improve on it


Review by Slytrimz
23 Dec 2014
Really fun. I found this by chance and it made me sign up to this website. Thank you!

Review by Renagrade
07 Dec 2014
It was really interesting and surprisingly funny! I would have liked to have seen more branches for the story though. It seem kind of railroaded. Still though, awesome game!

Review by acdantas
12 Nov 2014
It was really fun - in a sort of cynical way - I love it!
Now, I don't know if it's because it's just episode 1, but in the future it would be fun if a wrong choice didn't kill the player RIGHT AWAY. (It's perfect for episode 1, when things are supposed to be easy, because it helps the player understand that they CAN get killed and that there IS a right way to go about things) For future episodes, I think it would be useful to allow both choices/storylines to play out a little, so when the player AT LAST dies, he/she would have to think "What did I do wrong, and when?". And, at this point, of course, it would be useful to include more clues to help the player not to die as often.
Also, there a couple of "you're" that were supposed to be "your".

Review by MAJilly93
16 Aug 2014
A fast-paced, silly RPG game.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 26 Apr 2014
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