The Intruder by Shane Anderson

You awaken to a laugh coming from your living room, what will you do to survive?

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Review by Hormus
20 Jul 2018
Wow, gee, the same ending for everything, huh? The "jump scare" wasn't all that bad. But whoever knew that an asylum can make you look like that?

Review by snazzy ray
17 May 2017
Why? Too short... might give it a better rating if it was in the sandbox, because my expectations would be lower.

Review by AtomicMegadeath
16 Jun 2014
Eh. Started out promising, but the jumpscare was pretty cheap. Played again to see if there were any other endings and was pretty underwhelmed. In my opinion the game's not long enough to be entertaining, and the story alone isn't enough to hold up.

Review by l.a.
01 Feb 2014
Short but nice!

Review by Reidolol
02 Nov 2013
Good game. But short.

Review by Curbuscus
28 May 2013
Too short and not good story

Review by RykynVale
23 Apr 2013
This one really wasn't good at all. The ending was terrible you should have put more effort into it or not done it at all.

Review by Konrad
26 Mar 2013
Looks interesting, but it is way too short and doesn't have much of a build up. You're sort of just thrown in. The pictures and the sound effects really creeped me out. It would be cool if you had to do some puzzle solving to get away from the "Intruder." The 911 call was a bit too long.

I think its a good start, but its going to need some more work to get a good game.

Review by Jay Nabonne
25 Mar 2013
Not much to say, as not much to play. But then you probably know that. You have a promising premise, but it just doesn't go anywhere.

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Written by
Shane Anderson

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Written for Quest 5.3
Published 20 Mar 2013
Updated 20 Mar 2013

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