Bitten by a werewolf by Reidolol

You are Nathan. A boy in the 6th grade. On Halloween, you and your friends went to the houses in the highest mountains. But there is a legend in the mountains.

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Review by Altcons
07 Oct 2024
Poorly written game with a basic description, that is rather easy to be softlocked in. Also very unrealistic cops.

Review by Rooting Story
03 Oct 2015
Not that interesting.

Review by Black Tail Books
27 May 2015
Very poorly written. Much of the text makes no sense. The "story" wasn't good at all. This is definitely not something I would recommend to anyone.
From the age of the main character, I'm guessing the writer is in 6th grade. With that in mind, it shows a little promise, but the writer needs to know that not everything he writes is worthy of seeing the light of day. When the writer gets a little older, he will look back at this and cringe.

Review by dogtreatwoofz
07 Aug 2014
XD What the heck is this!? I mean this isnt a very well written story line. It just needs a few added things.

Review by DaineX
02 May 2014
Poorly written game. The story line was very confusing and didn't make much sense. Hardly any description.

Review by infinentvariables
08 Dec 2013
good survival was a big configurated hit towards the game as a normal day u are with friends hanging out a to your awareness you must face a werewolf in return gameplay was good nothing to strict i give this a 4

Review by Magic Orange
01 Dec 2013
I felt the game was not very well written. There was very little description and I didn't know what was going on most of the time and the storyline didn't make much sense. There wasn't an explanation for much of it.

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Written for Quest 5.4
Published 01 Dec 2013

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