House of the Raven by Craig Dutton

On a cold, rainy night you swerve to avoid a deer or something standing in the road and crash your car into a tree.

You fall unconscious...

This is the start of a nightmarish journey into the strange goings-on at Ravensmoor Manor and its strange occupants. You'll need your wits about you if you're to escape the House of the Raven!

This is a small game compared to my others, enjoy!

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Review by Scarlett Phantom
14 Jul 2017
Bits and pieces of this are... not helpful. It's a good game with a fun story that might belong more in the horror genre than it does fantasy, but there are parts where the game becomes difficult to play. If you miss a certain detail, you might not examine an object more closely, which could lead to you missing a very important piece of the puzzle. That irks me, honestly. There are two times I can think of where it did this, though there might be more (my game froze): the zombie and the wax figure.

Overall, I thought this was fun. There's a lot of mythology in the rooms as well, and I really appreciated that. It was a cool touch. It's also pretty difficult. Honestly, I got stuck quite a few times. Some of the puzzles didn't immediately make sense to me, but that was probably because I didn't completely read all the descriptions or forgot details.

Would I recommend this? Yeah, I think so.

Review by johnhf
01 Jul 2017
Enjoyable, but difficult in places.

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Craig Dutton

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 11 Apr 2017
Updated 16 May 2017





