Giantkiller Too by DavyB

Peppermint, your family pig, has gone missing. Can you find her?

This is a family-oriented, mathematically-based, puzzle-driven, text adventure. It is built around the successful 1980s game, Giantkiller, adding more story content, tailoring the puzzles to match, and avoiding all unwinnable positions. Complain if you find otherwise! The original version can be found here:

Type HELP for guidance on playing the game, and for further details on its background and development.

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Review by EchoGumdrops
26 Dec 2016
Very interesting, with a great concept and great output. I enjoyed the small mini games and quirks of the adventure. Great for anyone interested in math, enjoying math, or simply wanting to improve their math and logic skills! Thank you for a fantastic game.

Review by rcsjr1951
24 Nov 2016
Wonderful game for anyone who would like to help younger ones develop math skills. Also great for sharpening problem solving skills. Would be a great help to home schoolers who need a break from the normal homework and would like to help generate interest in school work without making it look like school work. Lots of fun. Well written with just enough hints and clues to assist you along without coming out and giving away the answers. Will make even the good mathmaticians think a little bit. Overaall alot of phone as well as educational. Be sure to pay close attention as you play the game. You can't make it unwinable. You can always scroll back and review what you have missed if you do overlook something. Well worth playing more than once since some of the puzzles are made new with each new game.

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 23 Dec 2016
Updated 02 Nov 2024





