A New Beginning by LovelyLexi

A new beginning...not exactly the way you wanted it to turn out, but whatever works. Many choices, many endings. Created by Alexis Angelin M. May not be suitable for anyone under the age of 14.

Starting off as a criminal in custody, you decide it's time for a change. With the help of your 'prison friend' Sal and the pure will you have stored away, you're able to escape jail and be a free man once more... that is, if you survive. Where will your path lead you next?

PLEASE comment your game ending, rate the game, or post any suggestions and constructive feedback you have. Please note: The game is still in development (W.I.P) and it's first complete version will be released soon! (Current version 0.8d - 1/9/17). Comments and feedback are accepted, and your ideas may be put into the game! If you're looking for something more command-based and surreal, check out my brand new game, "A Long Road..." - http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/dicu7kpu1k6fzujsu40v7g/a-long-road

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Review by GameofChocolate
31 May 2017
I pretty much just had to follow the story throughout most of it. There wasn't a whole lot of freedom for action.

19 May 2017
the music goes good with the game and so far i got ending 1 and 3. TOTALLY LOVE IT!!! :D

Review by m75075w
14 Oct 2016
not interesting

Review by JubioTEXTDX
07 Sep 2016
I thought it was rather interesting but i soon found out alot of the later on decisions and outcomes seem to be the same, regardless of what you say.


Like when you get the hammer it says you hide it in your uniform like sal said regardless of if you asked or not. I was looking forward to a ending where you get caught acquireing it because of hesitating to put it in your uniform. Also on a different subject entirely theres no text after you decide to go west while escaping... Still I like it, just a few issues though that didnt make me want to keep playing. I currently have 3/5 endings done.

Review by GlobeFighter01
26 Mar 2016
SO good I thought it would be boring But I was wrong also In the end when I clicked Go west nothing showed up

Review by thatguy2470
31 Dec 2015
best game ever! Never thought a text game could get so intense.

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 30 Dec 2015
Updated 24 Jan 2017





