Undertale Fan Games

This user has not published any games publicly yet.

Reviews by Undertale Fan Games

Review for Suicide
12 Jun 2017
i like it but at least the game sounds less gory then watching the second renessaince part 1 and 2 in the animatrix. but the game is good

Review for Tea House
22 May 2017
*Walks towards amyyang027, farts, and walks away* #DRIVE BY!!!!! ahem... ANYWHO! This game lacks detail... ADVENTURE! The teenager doesnt talk, and I couldnt end the game. I always encounter Unknown 717... and not even any discription for anywhere. AND WHO THE !?#* SAYS THERE IS AN A SPRING! WTF DO YOU DO WITH LIFE?! ahem sorry about that. Point is that I personally think that this should be put in sandbox because of lack of description and the game never ends. Thank you for your cooperation. :)

Review for What am I?
22 May 2017
i cant get passed Something Else

Review for 0110103
22 May 2017
Was that red stuff under the capsule gore? Anyways I LOVE IT!!!!!!!! :D Please make a Part 2 where you are in a dream and more puzzles. And maybe a few good jams? Anyways loved it

Review for A New Beginning
19 May 2017
the music goes good with the game and so far i got ending 1 and 3. TOTALLY LOVE IT!!! :D





