The Bony King Of Nowhere by NecroDeath

You are a citizen of the land of Nowhere, and you are given an urgent letter to deliver to the King. Navigate your way through the strange and twisted landscape to the capital city of Lost and gain access to the King's castle.

This is a casual text adventure game in the classic parser style

*****type 'hints' at any time for instructions and help******

Note: This game was an entry in The 2017 Spring Thing Festival of Interactive Fiction (

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Review by Kmo73
02 May 2023
Nice game although, even though you cant die, if you do things in the wrong order you can't go any further - As I've just found out :/

Review by Jamex
04 May 2017
It is a fun story with some good challenges. It does not follow the typical word commands however, and that can be a little frustrating. Overall, it is a decent play. I would recommend adding some of the typical word commands to broaden the accepted responses so that your players are stuck on the challenges, not on choosing the right wording.

Review by Richard Headkid
28 Apr 2017
Great humor.

Good puzzles and riddles. Not too hard and not too easy.

The game is not too long, nor is it too short.

It made me laugh aloud every 3 to 5 turns.

An enjoyable game, with an enjoyable story, from start to finish.

Review by kendrafortune
20 Apr 2017
Good points - there are a lot of fun puns, I really like the humour. The puzzles are tricky without being too obscure.
Bad points - it's frustrating how many objects are referred to in scenery descriptions but then "aren't there" when you try and interact with them, especially once you get to the city. (eg.
Jack the Landlord is referred to as the barman but then when you try and talk to "the barman" the word isn't recognised.) Conversely there are a lot of items that you can interact with which you can't see immediately in the room description and you have to look at another object to find it, even though if you were in the room it would be readily apparent that the object was there because it isn't in a container.

Review by Shadon1010
08 Apr 2017
Had the pleasure of beta testing this game during it's development. It's a fun, charming story filled with Pratchett-esque fantasy comedy, and with a nice mix of puzzles including riddles & item combination which will test you mentally. I'm excited to see further stories from NecroDeath in the future, so for the time being, definitely give this one a go!

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 08 Apr 2017
Updated 10 Mar 2018





