☀♖ the Slew of Despond ♖☀ [One - Castle Seed] by Jennifer Wren

Hello, famous and great explorer, the castle is riddled with sick mice. The mice build hollow nests under the castle grounds, which weakens the earth, which causes collapse, but collapse brings small bodies of water that foster freshwater fish from underground inland channels of the hostile ocean waters. This means fish, which love to be fed dead mice. Of course, because the castle is home to many petted cats, the only safe mouse... is a dead mouse.
The cat keeps the castle clean of mice, and gives some mice to you.
Seeing the cat, and holding him, are both good for your health.
You may have to regenerate once or twice, either way.
Your score is somewhat open concept and experimental, but there two, mice are valid, fish are worth some amount even more.
Run ins with mice will hurt your health slightly. The cat may help you recover, if you are patient, and not out of time.
There are refreshment sales that may buy the time you need, too.

Use the keys to travel across the board.
Discover and explore the castle, in Castle Seed, game 1 of the Slew of Despond.
Two bonus adventures. So, three...
If you have caught 50 fish, even after you have given them all away, you can (if you figure out how to) become cat. And if you have caught 100 fish, a special gift of health is given your pet mouse.

Press + if you want the commandbar.
You can find the + on your phone, I think, for the panes, and
you can scroll hidden writing past the pale ground, so its legible.
Use the arrow keys (or "north", "south", "west", "east") to move.
I've added links for phone, but (my phone at least) gets no sound, so PC is betterave.
As for volume, I set my volume at 35,
which may just be my PC.

The Slew of Despond was the name of a small bog I lived near the edge of,
for a while, when I was much younger.
There may have been unseen castles there.
I consider it one of the many places in this world that no one knows a lot about.

Many of the more detailed scripts that helped me make this game came from GamerOver9000 and mrangel,
in the quest forum threads -
Grid-Based Room Generation Tutorial :
move player script:
And from The TextAdventurist:

If there are bugs in this game, please, let me know. Copy the error message into comments. Also, please tell me what you think of this game and what if anything you think would add to it, or improve it.

Intro (except at wall and in garden)
🎵 Song: 'Scott Buckley - Filaments' is under a creative commons license license.
🎶 Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

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Written by
Jennifer Wren

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Written for Quest 5.8
Published 29 Jan 2024





