"Fate Of Fire" Book 1: Tinder by SivD1

This is about 50% of what was planned for the first chapter of the four part series, but after a year of not touching it, I thought I'd finally release what I had done. This was written during 2015, so keep in mind that there are some plot threads that don't make sense, and spelling errors that won't be fixed. That being said, enjoy, and please leave some feedback as to what you thought!

PETER: http://www.strawpoll.me/12812844

CATHERINE: http://www.strawpoll.me/12812856

ARTHUR: http://www.strawpoll.me/12812889

MARTHA: http://www.strawpoll.me/12812947

TOMAS: http://www.strawpoll.me/12812993

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Review by MrPikmin16
04 Jul 2017
Dude, you're probably one of the best authors on this site. All of your stories are really good, the choices have weight to them and are rather difficult to make, characters are vividly fleshed out and developed, and the attention to detail is incredible.

I also like the addition of the strawpolls, haven't seen anyone else do that and it's pretty smart getting feedback from the players like that.

Even though the first book is not finished, it definitely does not disappoint. You have talent, my friend.


Review by GameofChocolate
06 Jun 2017
I personally found it terribly uninteresting. But that's just me.

Review by SkinnyAlien
29 Apr 2017
I can't wait for the next part! Though I find it hard to keep track of all of the different characters, it's pretty good and I'm looking forwards to more.

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