The world's shortest and most easiest game ever. by awesomeman12345

This game was added to the Sandpit for the following reason: Too short

This game is too short to be put into a category. Players expect games not to be all over within a few seconds.
This is basically the world's shortest and most easiest game ever.

(Uhh i kinda composed this in like 5 min so uhh yeah plz don't rage. It's kinda in the title.)

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Review by masterblade07
18 Nov 2021
Bruh people who reviewed this very low is dumb, the guy who made this already said that it is going to be short, anyways good game made me laugh hope you make more games :)

09 Jul 2020
This game should be sent to the sandpit. There is only a few pages. Even a DEMO would be longer than this piece of garbage. It would probably take you longer to make the cover art than the actual game

Review by Odie_da_Bossé
21 Dec 2014
Uh... is this meant to be a game?

Yes, I know it's meant to be a short game, but come on, what do you think? If you are gonna spend 5 minutes on a game, then is it worth anything? Nuh, don't think so. So in short, never make games that take 5 minutes, you are just going to get bad ratings.

And why did you write @#?! you @#!hole on one of SivD1's games? Is it something to do with a review or comment he made?

Review by ididaflip
28 Apr 2014
'Most easiest' is a redundant clause, and this game was a waste of the five minutes you spent to make it.

Review by pumpkin316
27 Mar 2014
Lol I laughed like crazy when I playedthis! Good for what it was made for! ( quick laughs)

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Added 23 Mar 2014





