The facility by Thomas keen

You wake up in a room with only a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt. Your headfeels like it is about to explode and you wonder why.

"Hello test subject 15392," said a strange voice from the intercom," I see you have woken up. I would like to inform you that you have been poisoned, and the effects of you being poisoned is you lose 5 hp every half a minute, and you are in this facility."

"No duh sherlock," you retort.

"I wouldn't say that if I were you, you don't want to end up like the 15,391 people before you. Would you? Any way find a way out blah blah, get the antidote and yay your saved. Good luck."

And this is how your story began...

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Review by BeautyvsAshes
14 Jun 2014
I am giving 3 stars because I haven't seen a part 2 (although if there is one, I apologise), and it's basically guesswork. I personally prefer games which you solve your way through...not finish after 5 tries or pure luck.

Review by Silver
01 Aug 2013
You begin the game poisoned. Choosing the right direction will bring you to some ladders. Choosing the right direction on the ladders will lead you to the antidote - if you've picked the key up - whilst the other leads to death. After choosing the correct route you eventually reach a maze. Careful to choose the right paths here aswell or you'll wound up dead again, which is what happened to me. I must say, i'm not really a fan of games that punish the player for making simple choices even if there would be seventy vestal virgins awaiting me at the end of the maze, which I very much doubt there would be.

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Written by
Thomas keen

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Written for Quest 5.2
Published 02 Jul 2012
Updated 02 Jul 2012

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