Lily Alone: Survival in the Park by Isabel Clennell

You are Lily, and your Mum has left you, along with your siblings, Bliss, Baxter, and Pixie, to go on holiday to Spain with her new boyfriend. You have to look after them for a week, alone. But people soon realize you are all home alone, with the oldest, you, just 11! So friends, neighbours, and teachers start knocking on your door, asking where your Mum is. You have to do something before it escalates to Social Workers and the Police coming! You need to get out of there. They like going to the park, so why not go camping? So you pack up the little food you have, and go.

Game Instructions.
You start at the park entrance.
Use the arrows on the compass on the right of the screen to move.
Keep looking in the inventory and at your health. If it starts to go down, eat some food. If you

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Written by
Isabel Clennell

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Written for Quest 5.5
Published 21 Nov 2014
Updated 23 Nov 2014





